By Nicole Allen
Staff Writer

Looking for a safe space on campus where you can have LGBTQIA-based discussions, meet other LGBTQIA students and student allies on campus, and, most importantly, have fun? Well, then, Alliance is for you! Alliance meets every Tuesday night at 8 p.m. in Quadside.
Alliance is headed by President Cinzia Ballantyne ’16 and Vice President Maria Rolsal ’16. “I love being a part of Alliance… it’s a really welcoming community,” said Rolsal, who has been a member of the club since her sophomore year. “We pride ourselves in forming a safe space where students of all identities can learn from each other and have fun. We love seeing new faces, so feel free to join us!”
Alliance gives members a space to openly discuss LGBTQIA issues, learn more about LGBTQIA topics, and make meaningful connections while doing so. Weekly meetings start off with sharing highs and lows of the week as well as making announcements that weren’t sent in the weekly email.
Besides weekly meetings, Alliance hosts tons of on-campus events for Simmons students as well as LGBTQIA student clubs all around Boston.
Some examples of events that have been held are LGBTQIA mixers, group trips to see Rocky Horror Picture Show, National Coming Out Day events, and many others.
To learn more about Alliance and to get updates about upcoming events and meetings, follow us on Facebook (, Twitter (@simmonsalliance) or email us at to be put on the mailing list!