Dear Editor:
I write in response to the article, “Tim Tebow MVP of snoozefest Super Bowl 28.”
Though I appreciated its brief football lesson, game and commercial overview, and intricate description of the half time show, I was disturbed the article did not even brush upon one devastating phenomenon.
“The SuperBowl is the single largest human trafficking incident on the planet,” Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said to USA Today in 2011. Three years later regardless of state this mass exploitation of women exists still and to my horror is ever increasing. Everyone knows it yet few do a thing to change this harsh reality, one that with each illegal act slaps a once resilient human spirit in the face, so loud that is echoes throughout a football stadium one might say.
Knowing how to combat human trafficking and prostitution at the SuperBowl isn’t easy when you’re a fair-weather fan and the game is hundreds of miles from home; but it is impossible that the Americans, mostly men, who solicit sex are confined to just the vicious slumlord or corrupted official, but instead I ask who are these men but our own neighbors, uncles, brothers, and even fathers.
Our world is sexualized beyond belief and temptation runs rampant for men at the SuperBowl. To combat this we have to educate our men so that they can inform one other, to switch their view of women from sexual objects to human beings who are not to be exploited, but cared for.
Margaret Teague
Boston, MA