By Kate Joseph
Staff Writer
The Simmons College crew team returns to the water on Sunday, Oct. 5, at the Textile Regatta in Lowell, Mass. and they have been practicing hard to prepare.
“I was a bit nervous about how the team would look when they arrived on campus in September,” said Coach Nikolay Kurmakov. “Would the team be motivated to stay in shape over the summer break? Would the team will be faster or slower than last year? Not everybody showed up in in top condition, but with some extra erg and weights workouts the group is getting up to speed quickly.”
A captain of the team, Eva Weber believes the team is putting in their all.

“This year we’re working really hard to have a strong team,” said Weber. “Not just physically, but mentally as well.”
The Sharks hope to come out fighting at each race this fall, especially the Seven Sisters Regatta in Wellesley, Mass, on Sunday, Oct. 26. Last year, Simmons placed third in the regatta.
“How well we do in that race will help us gauge how hard we will need to work in the winter in preparation for our spring season,” said Weber.
The team will also row in two other regattas this fall, the Head of the Snake Regatta in Worcester, Mass. on Satuday, Oct. 11, and the Head of the Charles Regatta on Sunday, Oct. 19.
After the winter hiatus, Simmons crew will return on Saturday, April 4, for the UVM/Bates Event and will compete in several regattas through the spring season.
“The team is very young and has a lot of potential; every day I can see the improvement in technique and speed,” said Coach Kurmakov. “The fall races are just around the corner and I am looking forward with optimism for strong races during the fall season.”