Opinion: Five Things I Love This Fall

For me, indie folk music has the same energy as walking my dog with leaves crunching beneath my boots.

Image by Jamie Perkins.

Jamie Perkins, Contributing Writer

From the first day of school to the day the last leaf falls off the trees, fall is a time full of new beginnings and cozy clothes. With winter just around the corner, I want to take some time to acknowledge the simple pleasures of the season. Here is a list of five things I love this fall: 

1) Fall Foliage

First and foremost, the best part of the fall is undeniably the changing leaves. I grew up in Dallas, Texas, a city with no seasons. In Dallas, there’s an unbearably hot summer and a winter where one inch of snow shuts everything down, but there’s no fall to speak of. Now that I live in New England, seeing the array of colorful leaves gives me an overarching sense of peace and contentment. 

2) Trader Joe’s Honeycrisp Apple Scented Candles

I can’t express in words how much I love these candles. For only $3.99 a piece, they bring fall from the outdoors right to my bedroom. They remind me of coming home from school to a plate of peeled and cut apples that my mom made. I have never had a candle that’s scent is so on point. Lighting it is like inviting a thousand honeycrisp apples into your home and inviting them to take off their coat and stay awhile. And who doesn’t want to do that?

3) The Fenway Victory Gardens 

Living in a city can be exhausting. The noisy traffic and constant forced human interaction gets old very quickly, for me at least. Luckily, we have a garden oasis to escape to right in the Fenway-Kenmore neighborhood. The Fenway Victory Gardens is a great place to walk around let the troubles of the day fall away. I’ve gone many times this fall, both for pleasure and to take photos for my photography assignments. The gardens overflow with beautiful, unordinary flowers and plants. Some gardens even have small ponds or bird feeders that attract dozens of birds at a time. It’s the perfect place to enjoy the crisp fall air and take a break from the daily hustle and bustle. 

4) Indie Folk Music

As I’m writing this, I changed the name of my current playlist from the boring “november” to “things i love this fall.” It fits both because it’s made up of music I love this fall, and because it’s served as the background music to writing this article. For me, indie folk music has the same energy as walking my dog with leaves crunching beneath my boots. It somehow has the ability to pull me out of a funk and under a soft blanket on some days, while allowing me to wallow in the upcoming short winter days on other days. Highlights from my playlist include everything ever sung by Adrianne Lenker, “Colorado” by The Brother Brothers, “Pterodactyl” by Bendigo Fletcher, and “Salvation Army” by Harrison Whitford. 

5) Sunrises and Sunsets

The sunrises and sunsets this fall have been absolutely sublime. The warm tones of fall pair perfectly with them, creating velvety clouds and beautiful colors. I’ve spent many evenings this fall staring out my window longingly, wishing I could somehow be closer to the sky. I even woke up at 4 a.m. two times this fall to sit outside and watch the sunrise. My favorite way to watch the sunrise is to wake up early enough that the moon is still in the sky. Watching the moon fade away as the sun rises and the pinkish tones light the sky is almost a spiritual experience for me. Fall is the perfect time to watch the sunrises and sunsets because it’s not too cold to stand outside and wait. 

Get outside and savor the fleeting fall weather. Here’s hoping we have more things to celebrate come wintertime!