By Masato Aoki
Professor of economics
Every year, dedicated Economics alumnae return to the College and selflessly give their time and expertise to help current students and each other.
On March 27, 2014, over 100 economics students, alumnae, faculty, Provost Katie Conboy, Dr. Peter Kachavos, and other special guests engaged in structured yet friendly networking at the 14th Annual Economics Student-Alumnae Networking Dinner.
It was sponsored by the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences and the Office of Alumnae/i Relations and Annual Giving and held in the Linda K. Paresky Conference Center. The Economics Department provided business cards to the students and a Networking Directory, which lists over 70 alumnae, to all the participants to facilitate the planning of post-Dinner follow-up activities, including informational interviews, shadowing, and mentoring lunches.
During a break in the networking conversations, the department awarded senior Andrea Ferrante the George J. Kachavos award for outstanding enthusiasm for economics, and senior Katrice Krumplys the Sheila J. Henderson Resilient Scholar in Economics Award.
The Economics Liaison students pay it forward by helping the department improve and hosting the Networking Dinner and the rest of the Econnect program. After the students graduate, they pay it back by
participating as alumnae.
On March 17, alumnae Krissy Butler and Leah Warren prepared students for the Networking Dinner at the Networkshop. And on April 7, alumnae Kristen Margeson, Alex Rowen, and Leah Warren will conduct mock interviews to provide students with interviewing practice and tips on interviewing strategies.