By Shen Gao
Staff Writer
Last Friday, Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk unveiled the solar roof at Universal Studios in Los Angeles. It is reported that it has been an anticipated reveal ahead of the shareholder vote for a Tesla-SolarCity merger that will be happening on November 17.

The solar roofs that were shown were installed on houses in the backlot of Universal Studio. Musk, in his presentation, showcased many different types of roofing designs; all are made from glass solar panels that are different from any other solar panels in existence. These designs include traditional, modern, and Tuscan tile applications.
Musk believes that it is essential for the roof design to be beautiful and thinks the result will be worth it. He also stressed the importance of abandoning fossil fuel dependence and working towards more sustainable lifestyles for all of humanity.
On Tesla’s website, it is stated that the glass tiles are embedded with photovoltaic cells, which produce electric current. What is more amazing is that the glass tiles are customizable. This means that a customer can choose the sections of their roof that they want solar panels on, while still maintaining a consistent look across the entire roof. The new roofs will provide renewable energy, and battery storage, as well as savings for any owner.
Musk has said that if the Tesla-SolarCity merger passes, solar cells will be produced at a plant in Buffalo, New York. It is reported by Buffalo News that the solar roof will be the center of initial solar production.