Jamie Perkins
In the wake of COVID-19, much of the United States adjusted to work remotely. Schools and jobs were forced to move to online platforms, and in-person socialization went on hiatus. According to techjury, Zoom was one of the fastest growing apps during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a 2900% growth in meeting participants in just one year.
The idea of working from my couch, next to my dog, for the rest of my life is enticing. But like it or not, the worst of the pandemic is seemingly behind us, and in-person activities have resumed. Seeing my lovely friends’ faces in person rather than on a computer screen is wonderful. Despite my love of my couch, I am more than happy that classes are no longer held on Zoom.
However, now that the world has gotten a taste of the virtual possibilities, it seems as if true days off of school are few and far between. The days of waking up to an alert that it’s a snow day and school is canceled are long gone. They have been replaced by Gmail alerts from professors with the dreaded Zoom link embedded in the text.
I fondly remember snow days as a child in Texas—one inch of snow on the ground and school was canceled. Texas has never been able to hold her snow. In the iPod touch group chat, my elementary school friend group planned a long day of onesie pajamas, hot cocoa with candy canes, and sledding down the driveway on a baking sheet. At least we thought it was sledding, although we had never seen more than three inches of snow at a time.
Is it so much to ask to relive those days as young adults? Oh, what I wouldn’t give to trudge to my friends’ dorms and watch the snow fall through the window. Instead, I drag myself to a class that hasn’t been canceled, or sit inside and fight my inability to focus on a Zoom class.
As students, we work hard day in and day out. Maybe Simmons thinks we are too old to go outside and frolic in the snow, revel in a day off of school––but we’re not. After a year and a half of solely Zoom education, I think it’s time we rid ourselves of online classes unless absolutely necessary.
When it snows enough for a snow day, I want to turn off my computer and enjoy myself. I’m even willing to get an iPod touch and an adult onesie if that’s what it takes.